FAQ’s – Bike
What ability do I need to be to join KTC bike rides?
All riders are welcome; all the rides are no drop ride and go at the pace of the slowest rider. There are two rides most weeks – it does depend how many people come but anyway we always go at the pace of the slowest rider. If you are worried about your speed please contact our member ship officer on members@knutsfordtriclub.co.uk. We would ask that you are able to ride for two hours without stopping. The rides are a great way to maintain fitness and motivation as well as a chance to meet other members.
How do I join a Saturday Ride?
Saturday rides are a session on the JoinIn system – you can sign up there – they are free of charge.
What is the club safety policy for bike rides?
Please see our safety policy documents here.
Can you tell me more about your bike sessions?
We have a regular Saturday ride starting in Knutsford and 1-2 spin session per week. The Saturday ride varies on length from 40-60 miles depending on who comes. A number of members have just completed the British Cycling Ride Leader training and act as ride navigators. You do need to ensure you have your own insurance as the club does not provide this. The spin sessions take place at various locations (currently Mere Country Club) and entail a variety of training in speed, endurance, and technique.
I would like to try a bike session, but I’ve never cycled in a group before.
When joining our Club Rides, we just ask that you use common sense and obey the rules of the road. You are responsible for your own safety – our ride navigators are not responsible for you. Please read safety policy documents here to make the rides enjoyable and safe for everyone! Please also flag to the ride navigator that it is your first group ride so they can discuss any concerns you may have.
Do I need to have bike insurance?
Knutsford Triathlon Club are affiliated to British Triathlon and strongly advise you to consider the insurance packages offered through their membership schemes. Other types of cycling insurance are available.
What do you need to bring?
Check your road bike to make sure it is road worthy before leaving home. You need to carry at least the following equipment / spares: 2 spare inner tubes, Tyre levers, Pump, Multi-tool, ideally you should be able to fix a puncture.
Please ensure you bring adequate hydration and food. As a minimum, 750ml of water/energy drink and snacks (e.g. flapjacks / energy bars).
Please ensure you bring a mobile phone to use in case of emergency or if you become separated from the group. Carrying some small change is also a good idea.
Ensure you have up to date emergency contact details with you.
What should you wear?
Although not law we would require all club members to wear a helmet on all group rides. If you have it and conditions suit wear club cycling kit with pride! Depending on the weather bring suitably warm clothing. This could include, short or long Cycling Bib shorts, 1 or more Cycling tops, Gloves, Hat / Ear warmers to wear underneath your helmet, waterproof / windproof jacket, shoe covers, arm / Leg warmers, base layers and glasses.
What should I expect from an indoor bike session?
We use interval training based on perceived effort (how hard it feels), heart rate, cadence (how fast you are turning the pedals), resistance/gear ratios or power to create a wide variety of sessions so there’s no chance of getting bored. Training in the company of others also makes it easier to motivate yourself to work hard!
Detailed technical & physiological information on indoor spin sessions and what it all means.
Please visit our page in the coaching advice section [add link here to new section in coaching]
What do I need to bring to an indoor bike session?
2 x Towel to mop up sweat from you and bike/floor!
1 x 750ml drink (as a minimum)
A towel to ‘mop your brow’ bring a second towel to wipe down your bike and the floor after the session
Optional: Heart rate monitor.
What should you wear?
Cycling / Tri-Short (lycra with a degree of padding)
Cycling top, running vest or t-shirt – you will sweat a lot!
Any recommendations for bike fitting?
The main goal of a bike fit is to improve your comfort because this is crucial to riding better, longer and even faster. None of the following are endorsed and are suggestions from fellow club members.
Andrew Garcia (Dark1) mobile bike mechanic, based in Knutsford, Dark1 In Knutsford – Cycle Shops | The Independent
Bikes N Gear, Knutsford, Bikes n Gear Bike Shop Knutsford (bikes-n-gear.co.uk)
Richard Salisbury at Pedal Precision up at Manchester Velodrome, Home – Pedal Precision
Tim Piggot, Worsley Physio, Bike Fit Worsley – Tim Pigott – IBFI Certification (ibfi-certification.com)
Dr Sproket – Greg on the Wirral, Professional Bike Fitting at Doctor Sprocket’s – Wirral in the North West
Phil Birt – philburtinnovation, specialist to British cycling, Phil Burt Innovation – Bike fit, Innovation, Cycling Performance
Any recommendations for bike mechanics?
Having a good bike mechanic is invaluable! None of the following are endorsed and are suggestions from fellow club members
Andrew Garcia (Dark1) mobile bike mechanic, based in Knutsford, Dark1 In Knutsford – Cycle Shops | The Independent
Bikes N Gear, Knutsford, Bikes n Gear Bike Shop Knutsford (bikes-n-gear.co.uk)