FAQ’s – General
How much does it cost to be a member?
Membership costs £6 per month.
How much do the sessions cost?
Training sessions cost from £4 – £9 depending on the venue and the session. The membership cost covers the coaching fees and the extra cost of to cover the cost of the venue.
How many sessions do I have to attend each week?
You come to as many or as few sessions as you like.
What level of fitness do I need to have to join the club?
You need to have some level of fitness but we don’t expect you to be at the Brownlee’s level obviously. The main thing is taking part and getting involved. We have members who did their first session on a sit up and beg bike and have now completed Ironman Bolton. Come on down and get involved.
How many sessions can I attend as tasters?
You can attend up to two Taster sessions before joining as a member, if you would like to do any trial sessions, please click here to send an email to Hannah Bassirat our membership officer, who can assist you with.
Do I get affiliation to British Triathlon?
EA membership is required if you wish to enter any running events as a member of Knutsford Triathlon Club and pay the reduced entry rate. The annual fee is £17 and the membership year runs from 1st April to 31st March. If you choose not to join, you will have to pay the full entry rate and not the reduced rate when entering races. Be aware that event organisers do check if you have a valid EA number and also whether it is active. As a club we actively encourage the joining of EA. There are many benefits to joining EA, as there are for joining the BTF.
See www.englandathletics.org for further information regarding the benefits of EA affiliation
How do I pay?
You will need to register on the club Joinin system where you will set up a Direct Debit – £6 payable every month. Join or Register for KTC here
What are the club rules?
Click here for all the Club policy documents.